Denford Orac Lathe
With some money that my Grandma and Grandad left me, I bought a Denford Orac CNC lathe.
It's an ex-school machine that was mainly used to turn engineering platics. It's turned out to be brilliant - I love it. After it working under it's own steam for a while I started converting it and upgrading the motor drivers, etc. to run more modern CNC control software.

Some useful resources for the Denford Orac CNC Lathe:
Denford themselves keep a set of scanned resources available on their forums.
Here's a copy of the electrical diagrams I use.
Name | Link |
Electrical Diagrams | /dl/denford-orac/orac-mk3-electrical-drawings-small.pdf |
Operation Manual | /dl/denford-orac/orac-progamming-operating-and-maintenance.pdf |
Brochure | /dl/denford-orac/orac-brochures-and-illustrated-parts-list.pdf |
Fitting a backplate instructions | /dl/denford-orac/fitting-a-backplate.pdf |
- Rebuild of an Orac
- Tested the drill head above the lathe
- Removing Electrical Cabinet
- Drill spindle is apart
- More quill dismantling
- Drill Head disassembly
- Motor doesn't fit!
- 750W Motor Sourced
- Gathering some information
- Uprated spindle motor
Here are some links to reources for the Denford Orac Lathe:
Description | Link |
Fitting a Lathe Backplate | fitting-a-backplate.pdf |